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Benefits of Body Exfoliation

A much cleaner skin, less open pores and better hydration are some of the many benefits of body exfoliation. We tend to give greater importance to the care of facial skin, however, the skin of the rest of the body is also exposed to factors that can mistreat it, such as the accumulation of dead cells. It is essential to resort to body exfoliation if the intention is to enjoy healthy and beautiful skin for much longer.

In Inout we have a professional body exfoliation treatment that will make your skin look like new, and here we explain what it is and what its benefits are.

Why is it important to exfoliate the skin of our body?

Before addressing the benefits of body exfoliation, it is important to understand why this treatment is important to ensure healthier skin.

Skin cells multiply, then die and renew. If we do not remove the dead cells that remain on the skin, they accumulate along with the waste of creams and microbes that penetrate the pores. All this prevents the skin can breathe properly, the natural regeneration process is difficult and the tissue begins to look dull, dry, withered and aged.

To avoid the previous scenario, it is enough to perform a body exfoliation once a week. This routine offers us to accelerate the process of cell regeneration, allowing the elimination of dead cells to stimulate the birth of a new and renewed skin. Also, by removing waste and impurities from the pores, the skin can breathe better and look much healthier. After an exfoliation, the tissue is more receptive to correctly absorb any nutrient or principle that is applied to it, that is why it is essential to apply a good hydration after a body exfoliation.

Benefits of body exfoliation

The body exfoliation is a delicious routine for the skin and for the mind, because the pleasure of feeling the dermis as new offers a very pleasant sensation of wellbeing. Exfoliate the skin of the body translates into endless benefits that make the tissue healthier inside and out, see:

Clean the skin

Exfoliation is a deep cleansing through which dead cells and superficial layers of the skin are removed to activate cell regeneration and offer a totally new tissue free of impurities.

A better tan

For those who are sun lovers, the exfoliation prior to a visit to the sea prepares the skin for a uniform tan. In addition, it allows the fabric to better absorb the protection that will take care of the sun's rays.

Prevents premature aging

During exfoliation, cell regeneration is accelerated and blood circulation is activated. This allows the skin to receive more nutrients and oxygen.


Exfoliate the body weekly helps to stimulate the proper functioning of the lymphatic system to eliminate toxins through the pores of the skin. In addition, the skin looks much smoother and even.

Prepare the skin

Any cosmetic or active principle that is applied on freshly exfoliated skin penetrates better the layers of the dermis and acts more effectively. Exfoliation also prevents the formation of encystiated hairs after hair removal.

Professional body exfoliation treatment

In Inout we offer a professional treatment that exfoliates the skin of the body in a deeper way than you can get at home with a conventional exfoliant. It is a therapy of hydration and body exfoliation that is focused on allowing all the skin of the body to offer a luminous, soft and much healthier tissue.

The treatment consists of several stages. First, the patient is buried face down on a stretcher and all the skin of the body is exfoliated by means of a body peel. Said peeling allows to eliminate the dead cells and the superficial layers of the skin to create a deep exfoliation.

In the second part of the treatment, intense hydration is carried out. This is carried out by applying a nourishing mask and covering the skin with a special plastic that increases the temperature to open the pores and allow the moisturizing nutrients to penetrate more effectively into the skin.

The third and final phase consists of a relaxing massage that is performed with oils and other moisturizing substances that leave the skin clean, hydrated and nourished. This treatment is ideal to wear a much softer and more beautiful skin. During the therapy, no pain is experienced, in fact the treatment is relaxing and pleasant. The three phases are carried out for 80 minutes and once the therapy is over the person can make their living as usual.

In our spa center we have a team of expert professionals staff:

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